Cydonia Quest


Image of the Day - 10


The Face Series: Part 6 / "Ruin-like Structure - Eastern Side"

Hi-resolution imagery of the Face’s shadowy eastern side is of very poor quality. However, when enhancement techniques are applied some smaller scale grid-like structures do emerge from the electronically noisy murk. This Image of the Day shows a square depression that is eroded down into the “lion’s mouth” area of the Face’s eastern side. It can be seen that the inside edge of this depression is lined with grids of enclosures the size of large rooms. Once the reader’s eye learns to see these grids the effect is very ruin-like. We will have to wait for another re-imaging of the Face by the MRO spacecraft before we will have a chance to get an improved look at these smaller features. For more information click this "stargate" µµµ


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