Cydonia Quest


Image of the Day - 17


“Fossil Bones” / Curiosity Rover / Gale Crater / Mars

The official NASA image caption for the first image below reads – “No bones about it! Seen by Mars rover Curiosity using its MastCam, this Mars rock may look like a femur thigh bone. Mission science team members think its shape is likely sculpted by erosion, either wind or water. If life ever existed on Mars, scientists expect that it would be small simple life forms called microbes. Mars likely never had enough oxygen in its atmosphere and elsewhere to support more complex organisms. Thus, large fossils are not likely”..... However, if Mars was artificially terra-formed by an advanced civilisation tens of millions of years ago, then the terra-formers may well have introduced their complex alien animals to this newly created habitable biosphere. This is not the first time that Curiosity Rover has spotted possible fossil bones. Earlier in its mission Curiosity imaged what looked like vertebrate bones from backboned creatures. These are shown in the lower images. For the original NASA image and caption click this "stargate" µµµ


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