Cydonia Quest


Image of the Day - 25


Cydonia "B" or Tetra-mid Mound / Southern Cydonia Region / Mars

The Tetramid Mound is a candidate to be the ruins of an artificial arcology. It is located in sourthern Cydonia, far away from more familiar anomalies such as the "Face". As the name suggests, it is a three sided pyramid with a footprint that tends towards an isosceles triangle. In the images below the most shadowed side of the Tetramid has been greatly eroded into. This has revealed an interior honeycombed structure of building and room sized cells. Some of these cells are largely infilled with rubble and dust - but the walls of some others stand high above the debris. This honeycomb interior grid is shown in the middle image, which has been rotated to look up-slope. There are similarities between this and the grids on the slopes of the D&M Pyramid. The final image shows a residential pyramid at Tucume in Peru. It can be seen that although the external retaining walls have kept their linear geometry, the interior rooms of the pyramid platform have lost their rectangular geometry as they have been eroded into. A similar effect will have occured to any architectural geometry that filled the Tetramid's now exposed interior. For more examples of possible arcologies on Mars click this "stargate" µµµ


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