Cydonia Quest
C Image of the Day - 29 c Cydonia "C" or "New Fort" / Western Cydonia / Mars
Yesterday's "Image of the Day" showed three examples of hills in Cydonia that show signs of a central collapse or implosion. This would be consistent with them being artificial arcologies that have subsided down into internal living space. Today's image continues with this theme by analysing the fort-like "New Fort". Despite heavy erosion the footprint of the New Fort is still strongly rectangular. The collapsed central area also tends towards being an irregular four sided shape around its edges. Of great interest is that some major architectural support structure still appears to have survived within the "imploded" central hollow. These internal features are annoted in red in the diagram at the bottom of the poster display that follows. It suggests that the interior of the New Fort was once sub-divided by a box-like grid of giant supporting walls. The New Fort is connected to a nearby three sided mound by a narrow raised causeway. All these features mark the New Fort as a possible ruined arcology. It's fort-like appearance is very similar to the "Island Fort" in eastern Cydonia. Click this "stargate" to compare the New Fort with the Island Fort µµµ C
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