Cydonia Quest


Image of the Day - 6


The Face Series: Part 2 / "Intense Reflectivity"

In 2002 the Mars Odyssey spacecraft took an image of the Face at Cydonia that was unusually timed to coincide with the feeble Martian twilight before the sunrise. This revealed that the Face was reflecting back the lightening sky with far more intensity than other nearby mounds and mesas. More recent imagery from the context camera of the Mars Reconnaissance Observer spacecraft confirms that the Face can be intensely reflective in broad daylight too. As the third picture below shows, the Face is more consistently bright over its whole surface than other features in the area - and so tends to attract the eye. If the Face is an artificial construct of great cultural significance, then it would be appropriate for the builders to use the brightest materials available. (Imagine if it had been floodlit at night). For more information click this "stargate" µµµ


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