Cydonia Quest


Image Enhancements


"Pipelines" at Cydonia?

When MSSS and NASA announced the evidence of possible water flows in the Ares Vallis region of Mars, they expressed surprise that water could exist in an unfrozen state at the location of the flows. Regular readers of the Enterprise Mission web-site will know that TEM suggested that the source of the water was severed underground pipelines carrying warm, insulated water from far away. They backed this theory up with examples of what they interpreted as uncovered "pipelines" found in MGS images of areas close to the MGS/NASA water flows, (click these "stargates" for examples µµµ, µµµ & µµµ).

Although I'm not entirely sold on the pipeline theory, for some months now I've been mulling over evidence that there may be features similar to those identified by the Enterprise Mission in the second of the images that MGS took of the Cydonia "monuments". (A JPL/NASA processed version of this image strip can be found by clicking here µµµ). Atmospheric conditions over Cydonia were very hazy when this image was taken, so although the image resolution is quite good at eight feet it lacks clarity and three dimensional depth. It has not been possible to completely overcome these problems with the enhancement software that I'm using and so the following enhancement is being put forward very tentatively.

The "pipeline" like features in the second MGS image of Cydonia can be found crossing a shallow depression that lies in the shadow of the ridge marked with a red splodge in the Viking context picture that can be seen by clicking on this "stargate" µµµ. These "pipeline" features are in very close proximity to the "southern suburbs" identified by TEM (µµµ & µµµ) and a few miles to the South of the "Giza" style pyramid "ruin" on the edge of the West Formation of the "City" µµµ. The picture on the left shows the area of interest as it originally appears in the MGS image. The picture on the right shows the same area after contrast enhancement and some enlargement. It is not very clear, but one can make out straight, long "pipeline" like features stretching across the depression in the centre of the image. It would be interesting to see what such anomalies in the second MGS Cydonia image would look like if they were re-imaged at the one metre resolution that the Malin camera is capable of - and at a time when the Cydonian sky is clear.










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